If you are interested in enrolling your child give us a call at 505-247-2404 or email Pamela Duran our Executive Director or Maria Santos our Assistant Director for more information.


Milky Way Classroom

Our infant room is for children from 6 weeks to 1 year old. This classroom has a 1:3 teacher to child ratio. The teachers interact with the children by providing a nourishing and loving environment. Many of our daily activities include singing, reading, painting, one-on-one interactions, tummy time, small group activities, and playing in our learning areas.

Wesley Kids provides organic Parents Choice formula, organic Gerber rice and oatmeal cereals, and the teachers puree all fruits and vegetables with no sugar or salt added.

Monthly tuition is $1337 for fulltime care, $985 for three days a week, and $695 for two days a week.


Little/Big Dippers Classroom

Our toddler classroom is divided into two sides. The Little Dippers is for younger toddlers from 12 months to 18 months. The Big Dippers is for older toddlers from 18 months to 24 months. This classroom has a 1:4 teacher to child ratio.

This is a fast moving, high energy classroom. This class engages in activities such as music, movement, coloring, and finger painting. Our class is divided into learning areas such as home living, library, science, music, manipulative, and blocks. We also play outside everyday in the sandbox. (weather permitting).

Monthly tuition is $1232 for fulltime care, $897 for three days a week, and $620 for two days a week.


Explorers Classroom

In our two year old classroom the children participate in various types of projects such as art, circle time, flannel board stories, learning to count, learning colors and shapes, building with blocks, legos, beads for stringing, play dough, science activities, and much more. Our classroom is set-up in different learning areas, such as science area, dramatic play area, blocks/trucks area, circle time area, and art area. Each area offers many activities to choose from and explore. This classroom has a 1:5 teacher to child ratio.

We conduct many hands-on activities such as painting, gluing and other projects that can get messy. You may want to consider this when dressing your child for this class.

Special weekly activities include Chapel with Pastor Jay on Thursday mornings.

Monthly tuition is $1163 for fulltime care, $867 for three days a week, and $602 for two days a week.


Asteroids Classroom

The Asteroids classroom is for our children who are 2 1/2 years old to 3 1/2 years old. This classroom has a 1:6 teacher to child ratio.

Special weekly activities include Chapel with Pastor Jay on Thursday mornings.

Monthly tuition is $1163 for fulltime care, $867 for three days a week, and $602 for two days a week.


Rainbows Classroom

The Rainbows classroom is for our children who are three years old and potty trained. In this class children participate in a variety of activities in our classroom. We believe children learn through play and we will incorporate play into most if not all of our activities. Our classroom is set-up into learning centers: Block Area, Science Area, Music Area, Art Area, Table Top Games Area, Manipulative Area, Writing Area, Dramatic Play Area, Book/Quiet Area, and Easel Painting/Chalk Area. Throughout the day, your child will have an opportunity to explore and play in all of the areas. This classroom has a 1:8 teacher to child ratio.

Special weekly activities include Chapel with Pastor Jay on Thursday mornings.

Monthly tuition is $1117 for fulltime care, $827 for three days a week, and $572 for two days a week.


Martians Classroom

Our pre-k classroom is for our four to five year children who are getting ready for Kindergarten. In this classroom children begin to learn to read, writing, simple math problems, science experiments, hands on art projects, weekly walking fieldtrip to the Main Library, community involvement fieldtrips, and much more. This classroom has a 1:8 teacher to child ratio.

Our goal in the Martian class is to prepare and make sure all the children are ready for Kindergarten.

Special weekly activities include Chapel with Pastor Jay on Thursday mornings.

Monthly tuition is $1122 for fulltime care, $833 for three days a week, and $578 for two days a week.